I've been working on an exciting project for Schhol Wars. 16 schools from around the country will travel to London in a huge tournament hosted at the impressive Village Underground. Pupils from each school, will be captained by one of the Monorex artists and shown exactly what it takes to reign supreme.
A lot of thought and dedication has gone into this. Fresh fruit, healthy Pizza's courtesy of Pizza Express means even Jamie Oliver would approve of the event. Sponsored by Ubisoft, the games developer and in conjunction with the latest release of the Teenage Mutant Turtles Games, schools will battle it out, not only for glory, or a new bespoke Secret Wars x Edding pen trophy, but each winning kid gets to go home with a brand new Nintendo Wii!! Makes you want to be a kid again.
After all's done, dusted and tidy, there will be an after party held at the Reebok Lounge with free drink, food and plenty of music.
Check back for pics on how the event went down